About Wizard Associates, Webmaster
Learn about Our Chief Wizard.
Sally Willard, principal of Wizard Associates, has more than 30 years experience capturing, managing and presenting information. Sally works with small to medium enterprises and nonprofit organizations as their webmaster.
As webmaster, she develops, updates and manages websites. She creates new sites and manages existing sites. If your company has a website that's in need of a webmaster, contact Wizard Associates.
Sally’s experience includes:
- Creating brochure websites and robust, custom content management websites with user-friendly administration
- Converting video to html5 and web-friendly formats
- Converting PowerPoint presentations to web-friendly video
- Creating financial models for business budgets and forecasts
- Producing videos (including production management and editing) for businesses and local television.
Learn about representative website projects by Wizard Associates.
Prior to Wizard Associates, Sally was affiliated with Alta Vision, a full-service, video and multimedia production company in Cambridge, MA. Prior to Alta Vision, she also served as Executive Director of IdeaSphere, a forum for entrepreneurs.
Prior to IdeaSphere, Sally founded GroupsAndMeetings.com which provided online information and services for business and professional organizations, their members and prospective members. The website, which Sally developed, allowed visitors to search a database using a variety of criteria for information about professional groups and meetings in the Boston area. The site included a Speakers' Bureau - an easy to search source for information about experts available to speak to a variety of organizations and their members. The company extended its services to organizations with an easy to update electronic calendar and online membership and meeting registration.
Prior to GroupsAndMeetings, Sally founded Wizard Associates and helped small business owners raise financing by developing their business plans, budgets and forecasts. She created her first website in 1994.
Sally earned a BA (Economics) from Wells College and an MBA from Simmons College.